Start seeing the other side

How does meditation relate to experiencing truth and freedom?

Meditation helps us slow down and calm the mind so we can notice being. This allows us to notice the obvious: awareness. When we move our attention away from thinking and become aware of the body, we are one step away from the absolute truth. If we are aware of the body breathing, the awareness that’s aware of the body breathing is the truth.

We can take this a step further by noticing that the awareness that's aware of the body breathing is us - "I am awareness aware of the body breathing". This is the direct experience of the reality of what we are, and it is not a self, personality, or individual. This awareness has no form or shape and is not separate from anything.

By slowing down the vibration of life through meditation, we can get to a point where we experience both form and emptiness. When thoughts come back, we experience form. When we bring our attention back to the belly breathing, we experience emptiness. This back and forth allows us to experience the possibility of balance.

The emptiness is always there, but it's unseen or unexperienced because of the frequency of the vibration. There has to be the absence of something for there to be the presence of something. We need to experience no thinking in order for thinking to exist. Meditation allows us to slow down and experience the emptiness between our thoughts.

If we are only experiencing form, it gets tiring and stressful. We only have half the truth, and we cannot make the world of form work on its own. We need to experience the other side: awareness. When we rest as awareness, everything disappears, and there is a natural sense of well-being. This allows us to experience freedom, regardless of the circumstances.